A 60 Years old Male patient with a cheif complaint of pedal edema, shortness of breath

This is online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputsThis e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome

Chief complaints :
A 60 years old male Patient complaints of pedal edema since 2 years and shortness of breath since 2 months

History of present illness:
Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 years back the he noticed  pedal edema,shortness of breath since 2 months
No H/o fever,cold,cough

History of past illness:
History of hypertension since 1 year
Diabetes since 3 months

Personal History:
Diet - Mixed
Appetite - normal
Sleep - Adequate 
Micturition  - Normal
Bowel and bladder movements  -Regular
Addictions - No addictions 

Family History: 
No significant family history
Drug history: 
No allergic to drugs
General Examination 
Patient was conscious, coherent, cooperative  well oriented to time place and person 
Moderately built and well nourished
No H/o cyanosis,icterus,lymphadenopathy 
Clubbing of fingers 
History of pallor  pedal edema
Temperature- afebrile
Pulse rate - 72 bpm
Respiratory rate- 16 cpm
Blood pressure - 150 /90mmhg

Systemic Examination

By taking  consent  from the patient examined in a well lited room
Shape of the abdomen- Distended 
Flanks: flanks are free
Umbilicus- central and inverted.
no visible sinuses and scars are seen.
No engorged veins 

No local rise of temperature 
No tenderness 
No palpable mass
No organomegaly.

No Fluid thrill
No shifting dullness

Bowel sounds are heard.


Chest is bilaterally symmetrical
Trachea is central
Movements with respiration are equal on both sides
Bilateral air entry present
Resonant sounds on percussion

S1&S2 heard
No murmurs

  Consious, coherent ,cooperative 
   Speech normal
   No neck stiffness
   Motor system normal
   Sensory system normal
   Able to percieve-:pain , temp.
   Cranial nerves : intact


Tab.NODOSIS 500 mg po/BD
Tab.NICARDIA 20 mg po/ Tid
Cap.bio D3 po weekly once
Tab.SHELCAL 500 mg po/ od
Tab.REVALAMER 400 mg po/ od


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